For some yards, when a truckload containing multiple non-ferrous commodities comes in, the truck proceeds to the warehouse where commodities are unloaded and weighed. The ticket is created, closed and paid.
However, other yards may want to do a check weight. In this scenario, the load contains mixed commodities, but before heading to the warehouse to unload the customer material individually, the truck is weighed at the truck scale and reweighed empty after all commodities have been weighed in the warehouse.
Weighing the truck at the truck scale and entering the weights using the Truck Weight button will enable you to verify the weights match. The net weights in the warehouse should equal the truck Net weight. However, if the commodities were in containers on the truck and weighed in those containers, the gross weight of the cumulative warehouse weights should match the truck net weight. Use this method to be sure all commodities are weighed and purchased.